About Us
Meet Ian and Jane, the creative minds behind the one of a kind Designer Dirt. You can always be sure that you will receive the very best advice, as they have years of experience between them. Before beginning Designer Dirt in 2012 they had backgrounds in farming, fertiliser and transport and worked at Summit Fertilisers, Elders, TAFE, and Bayer. Now members of the Chamber of Commerce, ArtSouthWA, the Goodies and Make A Scene Artist Collective, Ian and Jane are always forging new connections and have a wealth of knowledge about landscaping, agriculture, gardening and art. With a practical outlook and an innate ability to think outside of the box, Ian and Jane thrive on helping their customers with all landscaping, gardening, and art or sculpture projects.
Meet Ian
Ian is known for his cheeky yet dry sense of humour and is a time and motion study in action on the front-end loader.
He can be found loading quality landscape supplies onto his truck and making deliveries all over the Great Southern with a smile. He always keeps the customers chuckling and enjoys utilising his creative talents to construct awe-inspiring metal sculptures from scrap steel of all shapes and sizes. Join Ian in his Welding for Beginners workshop and learn how he makes the commissioned metal artwork that can be found throughout the state, from Denmark and Perth all the way up north to Onslow Airport.
If you want to see his latest pieces, you can find his life-sized steer at Butterfield Beef in Amelup, and closer to home, two sets of 3-metre tall flower sculptures and a full-sized kangaroo and emu that can be found at Handasyde’s Strawberries. Ian also loves driving around town in his pride and joy, a 1967 VW Beetle he restored himself!
Meet Jane
Jane has always been creative and uses her artistic flair to hunt for innovative and exciting new products to stock at Designer Dirt, and is passionate about supporting and working with local artists. She loves to promote the business and local artists through social media and, with her background in graphic design, creates all the artwork for Designer Dirt’s advertising. When she’s not seeking the newest local talent, Jane loves to dream up new and exciting workshops to host at Designer Dirt for all the equally passionate creatives in Albany.
She also delights in creating fine art from recycled tin, flywire and other upcycled materials. See examples of Jane and Ian's work on the Gallery page. While Designer Dirt always keeps her busy, Jane enjoys devoting her spare time to creating metal cut-outs, signage and has designed a fantastic range of garden stakes that can add character to your very own garden!